Maya was born at 3:26 a.m. on 12/21/12. She weighs 7lbs 14 oz and is 20 inches long. She is as perfect as can be and I feel very fortunate to have 3 healthy and beautiful daughters. What a Christmas present! I hope I can remember how blessed I feel right now when these girls are 13, 15, & 18!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Christmas Program
Morgan had her preschool Christmas program. She and a few of her friends posed for some pictures afterwards. She was not allowed to stand by her friends while she sang because her teacher said they were the only voices you could hear. Instead we didn't hear her at all because she was upfront and center without her BFF's close. It was very cute and she had a lot of fun but you could tell she was just a little nervous with all those people watching her. The last picture is me trying to get as much sympathy as possible for this never ending pregnancy...
Monday, December 3, 2012
What did she say?
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Getting Ready for Christmas
We are getting ready for Christmas and everyone is anxious. We picked out our Christmas tree and Daddy cut it down. It is all decorated and we are hoping that Santa finds it in his heart to forgive us all and bring some presents. We are also hoping that the new baby makes it's appearance sooner than later so we can celebrate Christmas at home and not in the hospital. Morgan and Mommy think that 12/12/12 would be a great birthday if it isn't the end of the world. : ) Miranda talks about Santa everyday, this should be the best Christmas yet with the girls, although it will be sad to not be with our families this year. This is our first Christmas ever staying home. We are trying to talk Daddy into putting up Christmas lights outside, I just like to watch him sweat being up on a ladder, the girls just want lights! That is why I probably won't get any presents from Santa.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Daddy helping with homework, oh brother!
So, the instructions are: The kids are decorating a turkey feather, parents please help your child to decorate their feather with items you have in your home such as fabric scraps, cotton balls, colors, etc. Daddy looked puzzled for a bit and then the light bulb came on...
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Fierce Fairies!
The girls had an absolute blast trick or treating last night. They were so excited to get all dolled up and get CANDY!!! They were very cute and a ton of fun to watch. Hope you all had just as much fun this Halloween.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Morgan turned 5!
I have never been so happy to see a birthday come and go. I was so tired of every morning being asked, "How many days NOW until my birthday!" I know you are all thinking, you should have gotten a calendar for her to count down the days, well let me tell you, I tried everything, she is relentless. She is 5 going on 15, she is too smart and has the sassy attitude of a 15 year old. Morgan had a great birthday though, she had a birthday party at preschool then she and Miranda went to a bouncy house, when we got home she opened presents while Skyping with Papa and Ema. That Saturday she had several friends over for a birthday party. She was almost devastated when two of her "BFF's" (yes, that is what she calls them) called right before the party because they were sick. But we had a blast with her friends that were here.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Twinkle Twinkle
September Pictures
Wow, what a busy fall we are having. I am finished with my real estate courses finally and the girls are keeping me running during the week. Morgan is in preschool 3 days a week and then she takes piano, tennis, gymnastics and swim lessons. Miranda has starting going to daycare 15 hours a week and is in gymnastics. She loves gymnastics but Mom has to be right there for when she decides class is a little boring and takes off down the trampoline or just cuts in front of the other kids because she is sick of waiting.
Jesse has been using up the end of his vacation time so we took advantage of one of those days and went to a pumpkin patch with the girls. They loved getting to pick out their own pumpkins and they silo slide. But mainly they loved chasing the farm cats all over.
Jesse has been using up the end of his vacation time so we took advantage of one of those days and went to a pumpkin patch with the girls. They loved getting to pick out their own pumpkins and they silo slide. But mainly they loved chasing the farm cats all over.
Monday, September 10, 2012
1st Day of School (Preschool that is)
Morgan started her first day of preschool, the 4 year old program, last Monday. She loves it and was super excited to see all of her friends again. Miranda about had her mommy in tears when she was begging Morgan not to leave her.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Where did August Go?
"We're Naughty and We Know It"
Poor Cinderella all dressed up and no where to go.
Morgan and her buddy Dave. "Morgie Morgie Puddin' in a Pie, Kissed all the Boys and Made them Cry."
Our New Room
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Baby Cass Photoshoot!
Baby #3 is weighing in at 9 ounces, it is 18 weeks and 4 days according to this ultrasound. Therefore moving the due date to December 21st. I will take as many days early as this baby will give me. I would feel horrible for the girls if I had to spend Christmas in the hospital.
No, we didn't find out the gender. The lady told us to look away when she looking near that area and I peeked, still no idea. The first 2 pictures the baby has it's hand near it's mouth, no thumb sucking with this one that we saw. Both girls were doing that in their ultrasounds. The girls stayed home with a sitter when we were having this done, I was glad because I forgot how much the baby looks like an alien in these pictures when it looks straight at you. I am almost half way there, I think I will survive.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
4th of July
Well we survived our first 4th here. It was a scorcher but they have a nice celebration here in town. Not too different from home. There aren't any rides to speak of here, just several bouncy house type things. The fireworks display was amazing though. The girls had a blast at the parade even in the heat. We took a cooler and it worked out nicely as they had a place to sit, we had cold water, and they were probably the only kids who made it home with candy that hadn't completely melted. Miranda and Morgan loved the fireworks they cheered and jumped around most of the time. Miranda got so excited she jumped right out of her skirt! I hope everyone had a great Independence Day as well.
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