Well, if you haven't already heard, we had an awful week. Mommy and Morgan went shopping on Wednesday and had a terrible accident. Morgan fell backwards out of a shopping cart and landed on her head, on a cement floor. After 5 hours in the emergency room we found out that Morgan had fractured her skull and had bleeding around her brain. We were transfered by ambulance to the Pediatric ICU in Rockford. Mommy and Daddy were a mess! We had several CT Scans done and the blood clot that had formed between her skull and brain had not increased in size. She was in ICU Wednesday night and then transfered to a Pediatric room on Thursday after another CT Scan. We were there until Saturday morning. The last scan showed the blood clot was shrinking, she had finally stopped throwing up and was able to be off the IV fluids. We are so glad to be home. Morgan was happy to play with her toys she keeps asking us if we "want to play with me?". It was a long and very scary few days but we could not have asked for a better outcome. Moral of the story, don't put your kids in the back of a shopping cart. Thanks to all of you who prayed for her, I would say our prayers were answered.

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