Thursday, September 15, 2011

Morgan's First Day of Preschool

Morgan started preschool last week. She loves it. It is only Thursday and Friday for 2 hours but we both enjoy that time. Her favorite part of school is snack time... oh brother!

New Home

After not having my girls for 9 days to get things done to the new house and then move we were all back together in time for my birthday. Having them home was the best birthday present ever. 9 days is too long. Miranda looked like a different kid and she acted like she didn't know me for a minute. We are all settled in and it is back to our "normal".

My Tribute to the Best Neighbors Ever!

The Nemmers were one of a kind neighbors that we all will/do truly miss. They have great kids and bonded with ours. We are so glad to have had them as our neighbors and forever as friends!

The Peosta Gang

Morgan had some great friends in our old neighborhood, they are all going to be very missed. She is making friends at our new home and seems to be adjusting very well. She does ask about all the kids quite often.

Collin and Paige

The McClintocks came to see us one last time in Iowa. The kids had so much fun together, well at least they did once Miranda went down for a nap. We will sure miss having them so close.


Smile pretty!
Nutella Anyone!?!?

My first sucker and I liked it!

Face painting at a little "carnival" in the HyVee parking lot!

Sisterly love....