Monday, January 2, 2012

Bad Influence

I wish you could all hear Morgan laughing as we re-watch this video. I don't really know what else to say about it other than I was trying to get Miranda to sing this song on video, it is pretty cute. However, that is not what I got! I can just hear Papa saying "ohhh brother" as he watches this. Let's just hope this is not still happening in 15 years and being posted to facebook.

Christmas and New Year's at Home

We had a nice late Christmas at home. We had a VERY dead Christmas tree and literally had to rake the needles out of the carpet. I had a good grocery sack full of them from having to move the tree outside. Then we had a New Year's Eve party that the girls were super excited for. They had some kids over to play with while we got to have some adult conversation with their parents.

Christmas Day at Grandpa's - 2011

Well by this point most of us had full blown colds but we had fun anyway. The girls always love hanging out with their cousins.

2011 Cass Christmas Eve

I didn't take nearly enough pictures this year. We had a great Christmas Eve with Papa & Ema and the rest of the family. The girls were both lots of fun and loved getting new toys. I can't post some of the pictures I took this year because Miranda is a nudest and removes her clothing any time she can.