Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Baby Cass Photoshoot!

Baby #3 is weighing in at 9 ounces, it is 18 weeks and 4 days according to this ultrasound.  Therefore moving the due date to December 21st.  I will take as many days early as this baby will give me.  I would feel horrible for the girls if I had to spend Christmas in the hospital.

No, we didn't find out the gender.  The lady told us to look away when she looking near that area and I peeked, still no idea. The first 2 pictures the baby has it's hand near it's mouth, no thumb sucking with this one that we saw.  Both girls were doing that in their ultrasounds.  The girls stayed home with a sitter when we were having this done, I was glad because I forgot how much the baby looks like an alien in these pictures when it looks straight at you.  I am almost half way there, I think I will survive.  

Thursday, July 12, 2012

4th of July

 Well we survived our first 4th here.  It was a scorcher but they have a nice celebration here in town.  Not too different from home.  There aren't any rides to speak of here, just several bouncy house type things.  The fireworks display was amazing though.  The girls had a blast at the parade even in the heat.  We took a cooler and it worked out nicely as they had a place to sit, we had cold water, and they were probably the only kids who made it home with candy that hadn't completely melted. Miranda and Morgan loved the fireworks they cheered and jumped around most of the time.  Miranda got so excited she jumped right out of her skirt!  I hope everyone had a great Independence Day as well.