Friday, December 21, 2012

Maya Mackenzie

Maya was born at 3:26 a.m. on 12/21/12.  She weighs 7lbs 14 oz and is 20 inches long.  She is as perfect as can be and I feel very fortunate to have 3 healthy and beautiful daughters. What a Christmas present!  I hope I can remember how blessed I feel right now when these girls are  13, 15, & 18! 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Program

Morgan had her preschool Christmas program.  She and a few of her friends posed for some pictures afterwards.  She was not allowed to stand by her friends while she sang because her teacher said they were the only voices you could hear.  Instead we didn't hear her at all because she was upfront and center without her BFF's close.  It was very cute and she had a lot of fun but you could tell she was just a little nervous with all those people watching her. The last picture is me trying to get as much sympathy as possible for this never ending pregnancy...

Monday, December 3, 2012

What did she say?

Jesse and I found this probably way more funny than it really is.  She is trying to say lasagna, which her dad does really love.  If you knew how much he knows nothing about the word that is actually coming out of her mouth it is extremely funny! Remember we got married in Jamaica and poor Jesse about fainted when everyone and their brother was selling this every where we went.